Certain content such as your "About Me" and typings and comments that appear on the public event feed are exposed to the larger community, and therefore will be moderated more strictly.
Please do not create a second account — or if you do, don't make more than one recognizable as you. This will lead to duplicate typings and prevent people from comparing their typings of you. The administration can help you recover your account if you can't do so through the forgot password page.
Typing the same subject from multiple accounts (vote stuffing or duplicate voting) is against the rules and may lead to a ban. It is discouraged to be active on more than one account, such as to support your own arguments posing as someone else. If you're unsure of whether you're in violation of this, please contact the administration to make sure.
It should go without saying, don't make another account if you're banned. This will probably lead to an extension of the ban or a permanent ban.
Also anyone who is aware of ban evasion and does not report it will be subject to a ban themselves.
There are a few moderation statuses, which may be applied in case of rule violation: